Fugly Bali
Rules for posting warnings on our Bulletin Boards.
Please make sure your warnings are for the benefit of others first, revenge second.
When ask to post on our bulletin boards, you agree to the following rules;


Our Bulletin Boards;

Bali Hotels Bulletin Board / Bali Police Bulletin Board / Bali Travel Bulletin Board

Our Rules / Guidlelines;

1) We have any and every right to decline any request to post a warning / report without giving you reason. We generally will only decline to post information / reports when it is clear the report is not fair or true, or uses unsuitable text (hint: please do not use racial statements, profanities, etc.).

2) You agree that you are legally liable for any deliberate and / or frivolous falsehoods made in your warnings / complaints. But do not worry if you are sure you are right, you are not liable. You are protected by the USA's 1st Amendment (this web site is physically located in the USA).

3) You agree that Fugly Bali have the right to notify certain parties in Bali so as to give the person or business you are warning / complaining about the right to reply. You further agree that if they shift a reasonable balance of doubt onto you, that your warning / complaint can / will be deleted by Fugly Bali unless you provide further details adequately refuting the other party's counter claim.

4) We will publish any and all replies by the other party and by you to them alongside your complaint / report. If we believe there is good cause to remove your warning / report, we will remove the responses too. We have the right to remove your warning / report for any reason without notifying you. Although, we generally will only remove reports which have subsequently, clearly been proven as false.

5) You agree that the legal jurisdiction of this web site's content is in the country where this web site's owners are based, and also that the web site is also protected by the 1st Constitution of the United States of America.

Do the right thing. Choose / act carefully in Bali. Read Bali Paradise (yes, it exists).

About Fugly Bali
Bad Travel Agents
Bali's Mafia Police
Crime Epidemic
Fraud & Corruption
Fugly Bali Hotels
Major Health Risks
Risky Bali Areas
Schapelle Corby
Suharto's Businesses
Terrorism Risks
The Poor Balinese
Tsunami Risk
Warnings & Reports
Where's Paradise?
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Please also visit the anti-corruption & fraud website Bali BS

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